Cement Evaluation
Cement bond logging plays a vital role in the successful evaluation of hydraulic isolation of productive and nonproductive zones. The Sector Bond tool leads the way in cement bond logging.
Standard tools are 2 ¾” with upper limits of 20,000 PSI and 350°F
Casing Inspection
The multi-arm caliper provides internal casing profiles by using independent measurements of feeler arms. Real-time log monitoring of the tools data and multipoint calibration allow anomalies to be pin-pointed and repeated, increasing data feedback accuracy and saving valuable rig time. The tool is available in 40- and 60-arm models.
Perforating assemblies or hollow steel carriers allow for high-performance perforating with charges in OD’s from 1 3/8” and up. Hollow steel carriers, strip gun, spiral strip gun, and link gun carriers are all available in through-tubing sizes. Hole size, depth of penetration, well restrictions, completion techniques, fluids, tolerances for debris, and downhole temperatures and pressures should all be considered for your choice in perforator selection.
Other Mechanical Setting Services offered:
- Bridge Plugs
- Retainers
- Packers
- Whipstock Packers
- Gyro Hoisting Services
Combined Technical Services, Inc.
P.O. Box 305 - Harvey, LA 70059
p: 504.340.4393 f: 504.340.4397
Specializing in: Pipe Recovery and Casedhole Logging
All images, copy, files, and other intellectual properties Copyright (c) Combined Technical Services, 2012.
All rights protected under US and international copyright laws.